Lucky Strike is a famous brand of American cigarettes, often referred to as 'Luckies'.
Although I'm not a smoker myself (Lucky Strike is a brand favoured by my boyfriend) I do find the logo design and layout used on the packaging very attractive. Apparently Ray Johnson, a Pop-era artist, was also keen on the logo, it became a prominent fixture in his collages (for example, James Dean (Lucky Strike), Ray Johnson, 1957). The Lucky Strike logo was designed by Raymond Loewy, an industrial designer who also created the logos for Exxon, Shell, AT&T and Coca Cola.
The logo itself is very simple, consisting of just four concentric circles of four colours - red, white, green and black. The concentric cirles work to focus our attention and emphasise the brand name "Lucky Strike", and the brands slogan "It's Toasted". The circles are also suggestive of a lit cigarette viewed end-on. I'm sure it is also relevant to the brand that circles are symbolic of infinity, protection and security.
The font used on the Lucky Strike logo is FuturaBT-ExtraBlackCondensed Bold, slightly modified.
Source : Lucky Strike, Wikipedia,